Let op: AG nummer op de kaart is incorrect, moet zijn: 0626257230 ATTENTION: Legal Team number on the map is incorrect, should be 0626257230.
12:00 Infolijn is in de lucht / Infoline is reachable12:01 de eerste stillen gespot bij politiebureau / first plainclothes cops spotted at police HQ
12:12 camerawagen + politiebus en 2 bikers op CS / camera surveilance van + policevan + 2 bike cops at Central Station
12:16 7 ME bussen rijden lang Joris Ivensplein / 7 ME vans driving past Joris Ivensplein
12:20 ME neemt positie in naast vishandel in Kronenburgpark (E3 op kaart) Riotcops taking position at Fish shop Kronenburgerpark (E3 on map)
12:31 Stillen in KB Park, camerawagen en 5 politie te paard nu ook bij vishandel tegenover Joris Ivensplein (E3 op kaart) / Plainclothes cops in KB Park, cameravan and 5 cops on horses also at Fish shop across Joris Ivensplein (E3)
12:38 Groep bekende nazi's van Bloemerstraat richting J.I. plein, oa Ade Jansen en Michael Jansen Known nazi's walking towards J.I. plein, a.o. Ade Jansen and Michael Jansen
12:50 20 Pegida op J.I. plein, versch groepjes extreem rechts in omgeving oa Lange Hezelstraat (FGH-3/4 op kaart) / 20 Pegida at J.I. plein, a few far-right groups in vicinity a.o. Lange Hezelstraat(FGH-3/4 on map)
12:52 Pegida begint over 20 minuten/Pegida will start speeches in 20 minutes JI Plein (E3 on map)
12:58 Maikel Jansen is onderaan de Lange Hezelstraat met 10 anderen / Michael Jansen in at the bottom of Lange Hezelstraat with 10 others #LZNL
13:01 Ongeveer 30 Pegida aanhangers op JI Plein / approx. 30 Pegida people on JI Plein (E3 on map) #LZNL
13:03 grote banner ‘geen mens is illegaal’ boven Hezelpoort met uitzicht op #Pegida #lznl
13:03 large banner ‘no human is illegal’ above #Hezelpoort in sight of #pegida #lznl
13:07 #Pegida sprekers beginnen, tegendemonstranten overstemmen met lawaai. Kom naar Joris Ivensplein! Stop Pegida! #lznl
13:07 Pegida speeches start, counterdemo at bottom Lange Hezelstraat, join them! #lznl
13:10 stillen rondom Parkweg / plainclothes cops around parkweg #lznl
13:12 Standoff between antifa and #Pegida at J.I. Plein. Paul Peters (known for destroying graves at jewish cemetery) also there
13:19 cops pushing counterdemo in Lange Hezelstraat. New counterdemo arriving from nieuwe marktstraat (E/F3)
13:24 rookbom in lange hezelstraat / smokebomb at lange hezelstraat
13:35 Rather small #Pegida demo at J.I. Preparing ro walk towards #Parkweg. +/- 15 nazis outside and in front of demo #lznl13:29 smokebombs on #Parkweg #lznl
13:43 Blokkade op parkweg wordt weggeslagen door ME / Blockade on Parkweg is beaten up by riot cops. #lznl
13:45 uit meerdere zijstraten parkweg nu pogingwn tor blokkades!iedereen naar parkweg/Doddendaal! #LZNL
13:48 #Pegida now at Doddendaal towards #Plein44 #lznl
13:49 group far-right peoplw split from #Pegida, going up parkweg now. They defended #Pegida demo before #lznl
13:51 #pegida at #Plein’44 heading towards #Bloemerstraat. Locals telling nazis to fuck off!
13:59 attempted blocade at #Quackplein, preventing #pegida to go to centre #lznl
14:00 Pegida towards Central Station, will probably go to Stieltjesstraat(D7)-Kronenburgersingel-Joris Ivensplein. #lznl
14:04 #Pegida now at AZC opposite Police HQ (D6/7)shouting racist slogans. Also counter protestors around #lznl
14:07 #Pegida arriving at Kronenburgersingel #lznl
14:11 journalists stoppen at Kronenburgerpark by police #lznl
14:13 #Pegida shouts ‘police thank you’, actually being serious. Cops and fascists hand in hand #lznl14:15 a police horse collapsed around Central Station, isn’t moving. FUCK YOU, COPS! Animals are not weapons!!
14:19 Police is storming the KB park, regular cops, riot cops. #LZNL
14:20 police dogs arriving at KB park, lots of riot cops. Watch out for snatch squads, don’t get surrounded at KB Park!! #lznl
14:23 cops single out and close in on antifa. Still a group antifa with banner at KB Park (F4), support them! #lznl
14:34 Pegida is leaving to Central Station via Kronenburgersingel and Stieltjesstraat #lznl14:45 now spontanious #antifa demo from centre towards #Faberplein (K7 on map) #lznl
15:05 #Pegida left #Nijmegen, but possibly still nazi's in the city center that split off from demo. Infoline is still up #lznl